#1 Buying Your First Guitar (in the Philippines) – BB36 Beginner Guitar Course (lesson 1/15)

hi guys and welcome to this brand new guitar 
course it's the boogie boy 36 beginner guitar   course so uh this course is designed for complete 
beginners you guys who have been asking us to   please teach you how to play the guitar this is 
what we did we came up with a 15 video course   that's designed to take you from knowing nothing 
about the guitar to being well on your way to   becoming a really good guitar player so uh our 
lessons include on this video the first one is   how to buy a guitar uh we're going to have lessons 
on how to tune your guitar how to read chords   how to read tabs uh the first chords you should 
learn all of that good stuff um we're going to be   posting one video every week so this is the first 
one today uh next week next friday we're going   to have another one so yeah before we get to the 
video i want to thank our sponsor skillshare for   sponsoring this video skillshare is an online 
learning community with thousands of different   video courses on any topic so if you're into 
photography if you're into web designing graphic   designing if you're into music anything you 
just search what interests you and there will   be several different courses available you can 
choose from these courses are all premium courses   high quality courses that you can follow and yeah 
even when it comes to playing the guitar i have a   course here open right now it's by get army it's 
the player's guide to major scales so if you want   to improve your guitar skills later on when you 
know how to play the guitar then definitely check   this course out it's a really popular one i just 
popped it up now one thing i love about skillshare   is that it's a curated for learning so that means 
there's no ads to annoy you while you're learning   and they're always coming out with premium lessons 
so you're never going to run out so definitely   check them out and for the first 1000 people who 
click the link in the description below you're   getting one entire month free skillshare so that's 
everything skillshare has to offer for an entire   month completely free so yeah make sure to check 
out the link below sign up for that free trial   yeah check it out definitely please and thank 
you again skillshare for sponsoring this video in this video i'm going to be helping you guys 
make your first ever guitar purchase i'm not   going to be telling you exactly which guitar 
to get because a lot of that is going to be   your preference and what you need so instead i'm 
just going to be giving you tips on how to choose   a guitar that's that's right for you so the first 
thing you need to do is to think about what type   of guitar you want to get now there are three 
main types of guitars the first one is a classic   guitar so these are some of the oldest guitars i 
think you can usually see them in any any type of   classic music they have nylon strings and i'll 
show a picture up here somewhere so you can see   what what that kind of looks like so that's it 
um and another the next one is an electric guitar   i'm sure you've seen a lot of electric guitars 
before these guitars they don't actually produce   a lot of sound on their own so they need to 
be plugged into an amp or a music interface   to so you can hear them well and you can add all 
those effects and things and the last type of   guitar is the acoustic guitars which looks exactly 
like this this is the most common type of guitar   i'm sure you've seen a lot around it's 
essentially a wooden body with a neck   steel strings and some tuning pegs up here 
so that's an acoustic guitar now when it   comes to acoustic guitars there are actually 
two types this one is just an acoustic guitar   as you see there's no no strings attached there's 
no wires or any electronics there and the second   type is the acoustic electric guitar now 
that one has some electronics inside so   i have a nuke here that's an acoustic electric 
i know it's not a guitar but this is this is   what it's going to look like is what it's going 
to have if you get an acoustic electric there's   going to be a an output jack here with sometimes 
a slot here where you can put a 9-volt battery to   power up the this electronics here so you have 
some adjustments here you have a volume uh base   treble and this one even has a built-in tuner and 
somewhere in there there's a pickup that picks   up the sound from the strings and it converts it 
into uh electronic signals which you can then use   you can plug it into an amp just like the electric 
guitar plug into an amp or plug it into your   interface that's perfect for if you're doing 
performances gigs or you want to do recording   an acoustic electric guitar be perfect 
for that but if you're just uh learning   how to play the guitar then you don't 
need any of that you just need a plain   old acoustic guitar this will do perfectly fine 
and this is what i recommend for beginners because   you're also going to save some money because on 
the acoustic electric guitars because of all the   electronics the price goes up a little bit so 
if you want if you want to save a little bit   you just get yourself a plain old acoustic guitar 
okay so another very important thing you need to   prepare before you make your first ever guitar 
purchase is your budget acoustic guitars can   range anywhere from 1 500 pesos all the way to 
like 50 000 plus pesos so you need to decide   how much you can afford and how much you're 
willing to spend on your first acoustic guitar   for me the sweet spot when it comes to uh first uh 
beginner acoustic guitars is around eight thousand   pesos because in that in that price point you're 
going to get some really good sounding guitars   they're going to last like they can even 
last a lifetime if you maintain them well   now if that is above your budget that's completely 
fine because you can find you can still find great   guitars below 8 000 below that sweet spot and yeah 
i'll give you some tips later on on how to choose   like a cheaper guitar some tips and how to buy 
a cheaper guitar and if your budget goes above   like if you want to spend more then why not if 
you can afford it then why not but the thing   there is if it's your first ever guitar and 
you're not so sure you're not so sure you're   going to be playing even in the next five years or 
so then maybe that's not such a good idea it might   just turn out to be a big waste and don't ever 
think that getting something cheaper is going to   somehow slow down your learning process 
because it really doesn't matter   how much your guitar is um i started with a 
guitar it's worth 1500 pesos and with that guitar   i learned all my basic chords i learned how to 
do some finger picking i even learned some solos   just with that guitar that cost one five so yeah 
it doesn't really matter that much like how much   you put into a guitar it's not going to affect 
how fast you learn how to play guitar so yeah just   keep in mind uh set your budget because at the 
end of the day it's it's really up to you how much   you're willing to spend on your first guitar so 
yeah set the budget okay so the next thing is to   decide where you're going to buy your guitar so 
there are two main places you can buy it in store   that's either a music shop or a guitar factory if 
you live near one or you can buy it online now uh   the preferred option would be an actual music shop 
because you can actually look at the guitar you   can feel it for yourself and see if you like how 
how how it sounds how it feels in your lap and you   can also ask the people in the store what they 
recommend for beginners but online is actually   becoming more popular now because uh for one thing 
um it solves availability issues so if the stores   nearby the stores in your city do not have the 
guitar you want you can easily go online and get   that exact guitar so that's one reason you have 
more options available online and number two um   just recently the covet precautions people don't 
want to go out so yeah buying guitar online just   at home could be a good idea so yeah decide where 
you want to buy if it's in store or if it's online   okay so let's talk a little bit about brands um 
because a lot of people they're buying guitar   for the first time especially they want to know 
like what's the best brand for this guitar um and   if you if you want to go that direction that's 
completely fine uh some some recommendations   i have would be uh in the mid-range so 
that's like the 8 000 faster the sweet spot   i would recommend yamaha that range fender um 
epiphone what else would i recommend uh this one   this is uh donner i got this and you get this 
in amazon actually it's also in that range and   it's also a really good high quality guitar 
the reason why some people uh prefer getting   good brands is because they can be confident 
that they're getting a good instrument because   i mean the brand is very reputable so like yamaha 
for example they've been around for many years and   people just love the name they have excellent uh 
music instruments so you can kind of be confident   on whatever yamaha guitar you're getting 
but you don't necessarily have to get   a brandy guitar there are other brands that 
are less popular that are also really good   but if it's your first ever guitar just try 
to stick with the budget and just make sure   you're getting from repeatable stores you don't 
really need to worry too much about getting   the brand so yeah it's just something to keep in 
mind again for recommendations in the mid-range   for me it will be yamaha fender um epiphone 
this one donner and actually uh fernando guitars   i'm not sure if it's a local brand or a china 
brand but i see them a lot in like jb music stores   they're actually good um i've used one on a few 
uh performances and they're quite good uh they're   well built they sound good so there's another 
brand you can look into if you're in the mid   range for the higher end of course you 
have your tailor you have your martin   my favorite one is martin yeah those are 
your higher end guitars if you know four of   those for your first ever guitar then why not 
get those um on the lower end uh some brands   i know i know rj uh rj guitar i haven't actually 
tried them but i know they get uh good reviews   rg guitars and some of their guitars are in the 
lower end i mean the lower price range and also   i know davies is quite popular in shoppi it 
gets thousands of purchases and four to five   star reviews so if you're if your budget is in the 
in that range you could definitely check tvs out   anyway i'll leave a list uh in the description 
below i'll give you some brand recommendations for   the higher end the mid range and the lower end so 
yeah just check that out in the description below   when it comes to buying your guitar in-store 
uh the most common place to buy would be a   music store the most popular ones are jb music we 
have lyric we have rj guitar you have audiophile   components those are some of the most popular 
music stores out there these are usually located   in malls big malls and you might even find in 
other locations uh i can put a list below if you   want to look of good music stores popular music 
stores now if you're fortunate you might live in   a location where there's a local guitar factory 
nearby that'll be a very good thing you can you   can look there for your first guitar but then 
you also have to kind of be careful especially   if you don't know much about the factory uh try 
to gather information before you go shopping there   make sure that the customers are happy make sure 
they're doing uh like they're producing good   guitars because some factories i mean we never 
know there's so many factories out there some   are really good and others they they overprice 
their guitars they don't make very good guitars   and they sell it at higher prices so you know 
you don't want to buy your first guitar there so   yeah just make sure if you're buying in a 
factory do your research do your homework   and yeah so that's the reason why it's a little 
easier to buy from popular music stores is because   they've already built a reputation and you can 
also find uh big brands in music stores usually so   that's just a difference but yeah i i'm not 
stopping you from going to a local factory because   my first guitar was from a local guitar factory 
and it was really good it lasted a long time so   just check just check the reputation 
check what people are saying about them   the quality of output they produce so once 
you've chosen your guitar after browsing a while   it's this is especially true for less expensive 
guitars there are some things you want to check   before you pay to make sure you're bringing home 
a good guitar so these are really simple things   because i'm assuming you don't know much about the 
guitar yet since it's your first guitar so just   a few simple things to check before you take it 
home the first one is to check the all the corners   all the bindings make sure there are no cracks 
or i mean i'm sure you can tell what what uh   what the sturdy one looks like and what something 
films he looks like so just make sure to check   the bindings all around the guitar check the 
neck especially this is very important because   sometimes on really cheap guitars the neck is very 
soft so check for any small cracks around there   because this is usually where it cracks the first 
time check up here bindings anything like that   and you also want to check uh the tuning 
pegs because on less expensive guitars   these are not very good so a quick test would be 
to just give it a little turn just make sure it's   not too tight or it's not too loose this one this 
one is seems good don't turn it too much because   you might break the string and you'll have to 
pay for that so you just turn it a little bit   just make sure it's not too tight or too loose 
and this is going to take the guitar out of tune   but at least you know your tuning pegs work so 
just check check all of that and the last one   is because in less expensive guitar and cheaper 
guitars uh sometimes the intonation is bad so it's   how do i i'm not i'm not an expert in that 
but one thing to check is to see if the string   sounds the same here and on the 12th fret 
if you just slightly touch it very slightly   so as you can see here this one sounds the same it's the same note different octave   so that's how to tell if your guitar neck is not 
bent either way like it has good intonation so   those are just three simple things to check before 
you take your guitar home and on more expensive   guitars you don't really need to check that but 
you can it's still a good practice but if you're   if you're taking home like a less expensive guitar 
then please check that because those are usually   the things that that go first um the neck cracks 
the tuning pegs don't work anymore so you can't   play the guitar in tune for a long time and the 
neck is bent so your uh your chords will sound   fine up here but when you go down or when you go 
up it's off it's out of tune so yeah check those   three things before you take your guitar home when 
you buy our guitar online you have many options   sometimes you have a lot more options because 
you can easily browse through different stores   different uh like shopping websites and you can 
choose from there but there's also some risk   because you can't see the guitar you can't hold 
it you can't hear it if you're buying it online so   you have to pay for it first and wait for 
it to arrive and that's the only time you   can get to see it get to listen and feel how 
it plays so yeah there's some risk there so   what i recommend is to when you're buying online 
is to always get from one of the reputable stores   i mentioned earlier again i'll list a list 
put a full list below so you can check it out   because a lot of these stores actually have 
online stores as well so jb music has an online   store yupanko which i bought that guitar from they 
have an online store uh lyric has an online store   and these uh these companies these music stores 
they not only have their own online stores but   they also sell in sharpie and lazada so you 
can usually find uh their own shopping mall or   lazada mall pages there and there's less less risk 
buying from those because you know it's from these   reputable music stores so yeah that's that's 
where you want to look most of the time but   if you're looking for like a lower cost guitar or 
an unbranded guitar then there are two tips that   i recommend doing so this is for example you're 
searching in lazada or you're searching in shoppi   for for a new guitar within your budget 
you just make sure that number one   it has at least 500 purchases that that's the 
number of people who bought that exact product   and that the rating is at least four to five stars 
because at least you know that 500 people are   quite satisfied with that product so don't get 
anything with no ratings even though it looks like   a really good deal just make sure to stick stay 
safe long just stay within that 500 at least 500   purchases and then four to five stars the i think 
that's the that's the safest way to buy in either   lazada or shop and yeah i did i did my own search 
and i tried to look for cheap guitars there and   i found a few that i'm going to leave a link to 
below uh i found it uh the brand davies is popular   they have like thousands of sales and they're 
quite the ratings quite good it's like four   to five stars also so if that's your budget 
then check it out definitely it's uh i left   it in the link below okay so let's talk about uh 
the accessories so what accessories do you need   with your first guitar the quick answer to that is 
you don't need any so you can start with just the   guitar and you'll be completely fine but if you 
want to add some accessories then the first one i   would recommend like the bare minimum in the bare 
minimum category will be a gig bag so a big bag it's just a guitar bag so some of these 
will be padded some are not any gig bag   is better than no kickback because uh it protects 
your guitar from bumps scratches and even moisture   so if you're getting one accessory get yourself 
a gift bag protect your guitar the next category   is the basic category so it's a 
gig bag a guitar pick and a capo so   you can get something like this this is a 
package that has a cable and a few picks   so yeah that's the basic category the next one is 
the standard category i'm just making this up um   they're just basically uh sets of accessories you 
can get um so in my standard category you'll be   getting everything in the previous uh categories 
including a guitar strap to remove the plastic so   uh this guitar strap is going to help you 
play standing up or if you're like if you   do performances that'll be really useful and an 
extra set of strings so in case your string breaks   you can easily replace it or if you get rusted 
you can also replace it and so that's the standard   category and then the level up category you'll 
want to throw in so the level of category you'll   want to throw in uh an electronic tuner so this 
one is just a small device here you turn it on   um you just clip it to the head of your 
guitar and this is going to help you tune so   you just play a string it's going 
to tell you what note you're in so   let's go yeah that makes tuning a lot easier a 
lot faster more convenient versus tuning with your   ear or tuning with like an app on your phone this 
one's a lot more convenient and you also throw in   a microfiber cleaning cloth a microfiber is 
good for your guitar because even if you really   rub down and the finish you're not going to 
damage it so yeah that's the the level up   uh category of accessories to get now you 
need to remember that when you purchase a   guitar sometimes they come with accessories so 
you might not need to get any accessories so   just make sure to check what your guitar comes 
with uh some some come with like a whole pack   when i when i got this guitar it came with a whole 
pack of everything i just mentioned so that's just   a good package um but again you really don't need 
any accessories uh to start playing the guitar   okay so that is it for this video i hope that 
after watching this you're now more confident to   go to the store or go online and make your 
first ever guitar purchase and yeah if this   was helpful in any way please give it a thumbs 
up and the next video is going to be about how   to use the guitar you just bought so stay tuned 
for that um it's coming out next week next friday   so make sure you're subscribed make sure you hit 
the notification bell so you get notified when it   comes out again i want to thank our sponsor also 
uh skillshare for sponsoring this video please   check them out give them some love um and make 
sure to apply for your free trial so it again is   in the first link in the description below if you 
have any like suggestions or recommendations or   any comments about this video or about videos you 
might want to see lessons you might want to learn   please leave them in the comments below because 
i'm going to be reading through everything and   we might even adjust a few of our upcoming videos 
depending on what you guys say so yeah feel free   to comment let me know anything uh you want to 
see or recommendations or anything like that   and yeah i'll see you guys in the 
next video thank you for watching

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