Harmony Intervals – Flamenco Guitar Lessons

An interval is created with 2 superimposed notes.
Making consonances or dissonances. To learn harmony we need to
analyze all the intervals first. An interval can be PURE, MAJOR or MINOR,
or in some cases AUGMENTED or DIMINISHED. Let's see…: THE PRIME A pure prime is just one
and the same repeated note. Open B and B on the third-string (4th fret), and so on… A prime has 0 semitones, and it can also be augmented or diminished.
But for better understanding, let's see how alterations affect other intervals first. THE SECOND A second can be major, minor, augmented or diminished, and it's a dissonant interval. The best way to analyze an interval is
to start from the diatonic scale, and then to take in consideration
the alterations made with key signatures. Okay, so a minor second has just
one semitone C# – D, for example… B – C is a minor second. Bb – C is a major second.
Bb – C# is an augmented second. A diminished second has 0 semitones.
For example G#… THE THIRD A 3rd is a consonant interval.

It can be: major, minor,
augmented, or diminished. An augmented 3rd has 5 semitones. En-harmonically is equal to a pure 4th. THE FOURTH The fourth can be pure, augmented or diminished
and it's quite a dissonant interval. A pure 4th has five
semitones, C – F, for example… THE FIFTH A pure 5th is after the octave –
the most consonant interval. important building block of a stable
consonants the consonants of the intervals depends on superimposition of
their frequencies the vi vi is actually an inverted third and just like a third
it can also be major minor augmented or diminished a minor sixth has eight
semitones the seventh the seventh is one of the
most important intervals in a chord structure and being the same to an
inverted second it can also be major minor augmented or
diminished the minor seventh has 10 semitones eg for example the octave the
octave is the most consonant interval the higher note has exactly twice as
many frequencies and pure octave has 12 semitones
in rare cases an octave can be augmented or diminished augmented octave would of
course have 13 and diminished octave would have 11
the ninth the ninth is actually a second plus an octave
it can also be major minor augmented or diminished for the ninth all the same
rules apply as if it would be a second since the 9th 11th and 13th are used for
building complex consensus let's look at these intervals through chords for
example a minor chord will F sharp a major knife the 10th the 10th is a third
plus an octave and it also can be major minor augmented or diminished 11th is a
4th plus an octave and as well it can be pure augmented or diminished this is a B
major chord with the 11th e 12 of course is a fifth-place octave and it can be
pure augmented or diminished and a 13th that's a sixth plus an octave and it can
be major minor augmented or diminished just the same as the 6th this is a B
major chord with the 13th G so b13

As found on YouTube
