Learn Guitar WAY Faster Than I Did
[Music] guitar heroes Eric Andre's your guitar siege
here with a video today that will absolutely empower you to learn guitar way faster than I
did if you apply these principles so I've been playing guitar now for over 35 years I've taken
online lessons one-on-one lessons read books etc but if I could do it all over again this is what
I would do so please learn from my mistakes so let me tell you what these must dues are and then
I'll drill down further give you all the detail and explain how it will absolutely revolutionize
your playing all right here are those four must dues number one learn concepts in order number two
focus on your why not what others are doing number three practice using the deep work concept I'll
explain that in a minute and number four surround yourself with those better than you let's talk
about number one learning concepts in order see just like anything in life we learn things best
when we learn them in order unit you did not learn multiplication before you learned addition okay
you learned the letters of the alphabet before you learned how to put them together and create
words and the words to create phrases and the phrases to create sentences paragraphs and so on
so we've got to learn things in order there's no need for you to attempt the F chord if you can't
play the D or a chord first right doesn't that make sense sure it does and when it comes to
guitar this is the kiss of death to most guitar players where they think things like my hands too
small Eric no seriously my hand is too smaller my fingers are too fat or whatever excuses that
people use those are never the excuses after 30-something years of teaching I know this I've
taught thousands of lessons those aren't the things that are stopping people the things that
are stopping people playing is that they're not learning things in order and so things seem real
easy and then all of a sudden they seem really hard because they're leapfrogging something and
not doing the lessons that come before them this is why I teach all my courses with step-by-step
process and write all my books in the same way okay so learn concepts in order how do we know
what is the right order well you're gonna do that by finding a good teacher that's going to teach
you step by step or a good methodology or book that's teaching you step-by-step something that
has lots of great reviews and people are saying hey this is working for me that's what you want
to do or find a great one-on-one teacher that's gonna do the same number two is focus on your why
not what others are doing what do I mean by my why well first off it's your why why is it that you
are playing guitar very very important right it would be comparable to looking at another guitar
player who's doing something that you don't want to do and envying what they do as when you see
you know one person looking at somebody else on Instagram looking at the way they look or the way
they dress going gosh I want to be that way it's really important to define what your why is if
you are wanting to be a great blues player why would you focus on learning jazz modes or learning
how to read music or learn the classical guitar if everything you want to do is blues so important to
define what your Y is and focus on that when you do that when you focus on your Y your practice
becomes so much more effective because you are constantly moving forward this equates to quicker
and larger returns of ton of your investment in time if I want to get good at blues I'm gonna
practice things like blues scales and blues chords and blues chord progressions blues turnarounds
etc so focus on your Y and don't focus on what other people are doing what their Y's are number
three is practicing using the deep work concept so deep work is a book by a gentleman by the name
of Cal Newport a really smart dude who basically shows you how to push your brain to a place that
will actually allow your brain to literally grow myelin around your neural synapses what does
that mean Eric well basically what that means is if you're practicing the same old thing all
the time you're not building myelin in the same way that you would with deep work to utilize deep
work or to use this for your practice basically what you want to do is let's say you want to
get to know the major scale really well you would practice that major scale for say an hour
at a time you typically can only do this deep work for about an hour at a time before your
brain starts getting out what this means is no social media no anything beeping on your phone no
faux phone calls or anything that might distract you it's like literally when you go down what I
call down the rabbit hole and you deep dive into whatever it is that you're trying to learn maybe
it's improvisation maybe you're working with the blues scale over a blues chord progression and
you really want to get to know how that sounds if you're being distracted every time that you
mess up or every time it doesn't sound good then boom you're stopping your deep work right
there so deep work is absolutely revolutionary and it's absolutely if you really study this
subject there's tons of videos on YouTube about it search this and study it and apply this to your
practices because I promise you it will absolutely change the way that you learn it will absolutely
change your playing in a very quick way and we'll move that needle forward number four is surround
yourself with those better than you so better to be a small fish in a big pond than a big fish in
a small pond right now I know this because I come from a small town so I can say it and not offend
anybody in a small town but when you're in a small town there's small town mentality nothing wrong
with it but its small town it's what makes it cool right but if you want to think bigger you have
to typically go to a bigger town or think with big town mentality if you are the best guitar
player in your little town like I was or one of the one of the best and then you come to some
place like Nashville now all of a sudden you went from a small pond to a big pond then all of a and
I was a blip on a map of amazing players but what does that do well number one in a small town of
you're the best guy who are you gonna learn from right and then there's nothing to push you but
when you move to Nashville or you move to some other place where you're being pushed and there's
a lot of competition well don't curse that that's great because that's what it's gonna make you
strong it's just like racin if you're running you're the fastest guy what do you run and what's
your goal right maybe you have a personal goal to be better but if you have people that are that
are beating you all the time there's always that ego there's always something involved it's gonna
make you want to run faster so surround yourself with those better than you now my friends the
sooner you start or the sooner you get serious on these concepts the more benefit you will gain
I've seen great players become great only after a year or two of dedicated passionate practice and
conversely I've seen players with 40 years under their belt play the same way that they did the
second or third year that they've been playing so what does that mean that means do these things
do them soon do them often and I promise you your playing is absolutely going to change my friends
that is it hopefully you enjoyed this video I hope you did because I'm doing these for you and I
tell you what my friends if you have anything to say about this video you know where to do
that let me know how I can improve on these vids because I'm literally doing them for you
you know what to do thumbs up if you liked it double thumbs down if you don't like it I'm here
for you my friends please let me know check out the description of the video I have a link in
there that's going to give you free access to my beginner course it's the top 30 lessons or so
that I teach all my students and it's absolutely free for you take advantage of it my friends your
guitar sage calm slash 30 as always be kind to all beings do the right thing always practice
your guitar and I'll see you in the next video I wish remembered everything that I
learned I just don't remember that stuff [Music] you [Music]