5 Best Online Guitar Lessons in 2023

what's up music lovers welcome back to mitter music where we give you the latest insight and reviews on Everything music related if you're new here don't forget to hit that subscribe button like the video and ring the bell so you never miss out on our awesome content in today's episode we're exploring the best online guitar lessons introducing the top five choices that shine in today's market our rigorous research has brought together a collection suitable for beginners and experienced players considering factors like cost performance and unique teaching styles for more details find the links in the description below offering updated and competitive prices let's Dive Right In kicking things off at number five we have artist works a platform that boasts some of the most exclusive online content available what truly sets artist Works apart is its ever expanding roster of celebrity instructors making this a hub of musical Excellence covering a wide range of instruments navigating the guitar specific content requires a bit of finesse the platform leans towards a more academic approach to lesson delivery focusing on Theory and technique rather than a library of songs for jamming while you might not find ready-made Jam tracks the professionally designed course content guarantees progress at any level flexibility is key here you can pace yourself through the material or opt for a personalized 12-week course on various topics the video lessons shot in a studio cover everything from the fundamentals to intricate techniques for advanced players high quality visuals ensure a detailed learning experience with the added benefits of slow motion playback and video looping each lesson also comes with accompanying sheet music what makes artist Works truly unique is its strong sense of community students can swap videos fostering a Collaborative Learning environment where you learn not only from the accomplished tutors Brian Sutton Paul Gilbert Guthrie trap to name a few but also from fellow students but here's the real standout feature artist Works Video Exchange Library submit a video of your playing and you'll receive valuable feedback from your teacher this Library isn't just a feedback Hub though it's a gold mine of playing tips and tricks artist Works caters to all levels of guitar players offering something for everyone stay tuned as we continue our countdown of the best online guitar lessons as our countdown continues we're on to number four of the best online guitar lessons Fender play offers a wallet-friendly alternative with an impressive playlist presenting personalized lesson plans at half the cost let's dive into the features and benefits upon sign up Fender play invites users to complete a quick questionnaire to tailor their Learning Journey choose your style acoustic or electric and select a path from options like rock pop Blues folk or country the curriculum progresses naturally guiding you through a well-rounded educational experience that covers songs and Theory alike starting with level one you'll Master guitar fundamentals and even receive some setup advice the library spans various genres offering both simple and challenging songs from chart Toppers to Indie gems the options are plentiful the user-friendly app boasts integrated tuner functionality and includes the fender tone amp control app excitingly two new features practice mode and streaks are designed to Foster consistent practice habits and monitor your progress Fender play stands out with its exceptionally clear and comprehensible lessons the streamlined dashboard ensures beginners receive optimal guidance making it an ideal starting point but what truly distinguishes Fender play from the rest the platform's concise Instructions make learning a breeze catering to beginners with ease Fender play is perfect for guitar novices however its extensive song library and expert instructors also make it valuable for experienced players seeking to enhance their skills whether you're new to the strings or honing your craft Fender play offers a versatile and rewarding experience stay tuned as our countdown to the best online guitar lessons continues coming in at number three we have Jam play a seasoned player in the field of online guitar lessons despite its slightly smaller scale compared to our earlier contenders the offering of 5 500 lessons remains a robust and valuable resource Jam play boasts a team of over 120 tutors each contributing their expertise to your Learning Journey now let's explore the features and benefits that set Jam play apart one of jam play's standout features is its adaptability you can either follow a structured learning path or curate your own Journey based on your preferred songs and styles their comprehensive lessons are categorized into four phases phase one master the fundamentals phase two dive into genres and skill development phase 3 explore a song-based lesson Library phase four elevate your skills creatively through songwriting for experienced players there's a master class area where you can learn from touring and Studio Pros Jam play takes your learning experience to the next level with interactive tabs notation progress reports and even an ask a teacher feature the platform also offers daily live Q and A sessions and weekly workshops fostering a vibrant and engaging community the platform spans an impressive range of genres including some that are often overlooked by other platforms prepare to explore genres like Hawaiian Slack Key Flamenco and surf a true Treasure Trove for those seeking variety who should consider Jam play Jam play caters to everyone seeking to learn or enhance their guitar skills online whether you're a beginner craving structured guidance or an advanced player aiming for Mastery Jam play has you covered as we near the Pinnacle of online guitar lessons Jam play solidifies its place as a comprehensive and genre diverse option keep watching as we reveal the top contenders in this exciting countdown continuing our exploration of the top 5 online guitar lesson platforms we arrive at number two true fire a Pioneer in the realm of guitar instruction boasts a rich history and a plethora of offerings let's delve into what makes this platform stand out from the rest with a staggering collection of over 40 000 lessons and courses truefire holds one of the most extensive repositories of guitar knowledge available to users what sets it apart the addition of over 200 Grammy award-winning tutors making it an exclusive Hub of expertise while competitively priced alongside guitar tricks trufire's roster of renowned instructors might just leave you star struck with names like Steve Vai and Larry Carlton on board you're in for a star-studded learning experience that spans plucking picking and shredding now let's delve into what sets truefire apart in terms of features and benefits boasting high quality video lessons trufire's Journey dates back to 1991 with the site continuously evolving to maintain a fresh and contemporary appeal navigating your learning path is a breeze with options like the Jazz learning path or acoustic learning path guiding you from beginner to Advanced levels for a more tailored approach explore specialized courses like scales and modes arpeggios and improvisation honing in on what resonates with you trufire's realm is open to players of all experiences but it shines brightest for intermediate and advanced players seeking detailed lessons on techniques and diverse playing Styles finally we've reached the Pinnacle of our countdown and taking the crown as the number one online guitar lesson platform is none other than guitar tricks a Haven for beginners that also resonates with seasoned players seeking to expand their skills let's unravel the Brilliance that makes guitar tricks shine guitar tricks has etched its name in history boasting a legacy of excellence in online guitar education one of its outstanding qualities lies in its user-friendly interface designed for both novices and advanced guitarists alike the array of lessons encompasses a spectrum ranging from foundational guitar Theory practices to complete song playthroughs all while imparting techniques along the way Central to guitar tricks prowess is its core Learning System embarking on the guitar fundamentals level 1 course you'll establish a robust Foundation to build upon the quality of video lessons is exemplary showcasing two camera angles at all times looping capabilities and adjustable settings Empower you to tailor your learning Pace diving into genres becomes an exciting Adventure thanks to guitar tricks versatility and its extensive library of over 1 000 songs new releases Grace The Collection weekly offering gems Like My Sharona by The Knack Hey Joe by Jimi Hendrix and Perfect by Ed Sheeran for you to master adding to its Arsenal guitar tricks opens the door to live group lessons with a dedicated coach providing regular check-ins and personalized lesson plans the pro full access tier even offers the privilege of one-on-one live lessons a golden opportunity for instant feedback and guidance the roster of coaches is brimming with experience and talent allowing you to select one that aligns with your style and goals while it offers a wealth of content suitable for all levels it stands as a beacon for beginners seeking a comprehensive education step-by-step lessons Usher you into the world of guitar cultivating fundamental skills and nurturing your journey towards Advanced Techniques with this we wrap up our journey through the realm of online guitar lessons unveiling the top choices that harmonize with your musical aspirations whether you're just starting out or journeying further into your guitar playing these platforms stand ready to guide you on your musical voyage thank you for joining us and may your guitar journey be nothing short of extraordinary happy strumming

As found on YouTube
